Notify When Compilation Buffers Finish

by Peter Stuart on June 4, 2023

I often compile projects in Emacs using project-compile, and then don’t notice that they finished because the compilation window is no longer visible, so I added the following code to my config. It adds a hook to compilation-mode which alerts me when compilation finishes, only if the compilation buffer is not visible in a focused frame. It requires the alert package.

(defun ps/buffer-visible-in-focused-frame-p (buffer)
  "Return t if BUFFER is visible in the focused frame, or nil otherwise."
  (let ((windows (get-buffer-window-list buffer nil t)))
    (cl-some (lambda (window)
               (and (window-live-p window)
                    (frame-focus-state (window-frame window))))

(defun ps/compilation-finish-alert (buffer result)
  "Alert the user when a compilation buffer finishes.

If the compilation buffer is visible in the focused frame, the
user will not be alerted."
  (unless (ps/buffer-visible-in-focused-frame-p buffer)
    (alert (format "Compilation %s" result)
           :id (format "ps/compilation-finish-alert-" (buffer-name buffer))
           :never-persist t
           :buffer buffer)))

(add-hook 'compilation-finish-functions 'ps/compilation-finish-alert)